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The U-M Web team is the part of ITS responsible for the care and feeding of the University of Michigan's central web infrastructure.







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U-M ITS Web Hosting

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mod_ometer: what in the wide world of sports is it??

mod_ometer is a web counter implemented as an apache C module. It uses gd 2.0.28 or later to generate its images. Gd has some built-in fonts, but for real excitement you can use any TrueType font you want for the counter.

In addition to allowing font choice, mod_ometer has all sorts of options for customizing size, width and color of your counter as well as the ability to output the counter as jpeg, png, or gif.


  • ignore: ip address or domain name is forbidden to increment the counter.
  • font: use a truetype font instead of the counter's default.
  • width: how many digits are displayed, maximum of 10.
  • rand: display a different random number everytime.
  • reset: reset the counter to a specific value.
  • text: set font color using the "web color" scheme.
  • bgcolor: set background color using the "web color" scheme.
  • point: set point size of the counter font.
  • image: choose jpeg, png or gif.


Fonts we use at Umich













places to get fonts

want to add a font? contact us.


Download and Install

Your very *own* counter!

things it requires

how to build it

  • It uses autoconf. Cool, eh?

list of directives

  • OdometerDB /var/odometer/odometer.db
    full path to counter database
  • OdometerFontDir /var/odometer/font
    directory where counter's fonts are stored

Other Documentation

Counter Documentation: explains how to add a counter to your umich.edu hosted web site.

Contact Us

Looking to submit a bug report, ask a question, or join the mod_ometer fan club? send e-mail:


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